March 5, 2007

This is a response to a service I attended at the Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Valle Crucis, North Carolina:

Dear Rev. Dr. John C. Zellner,

I attended your 8:30am service on March 4, 2007 with my dad. I was very pleased with the
scriptures you chose to use in the service. However, I must say after study of the given scriptures, you have made an error. The pamphlet I was given has the wrong text for Psalm 27:10-18. As a shepherd, I think you should be aware of this. Psalm 27 only has 14 verses and none of these belong to that Psalm. I would like to make some comments on your message as well. As a son of my earthly father, but much more importantly, a son of God, I would like to clarify some of your statements. In my recollection, I have you saying that the scriptures are not to be taken literally and that you “have no idea if Adam and Eve ever really existed”. I agree with you that the scriptures are inspired by the Holy Spirit. So, in light of that, how could Moses have written Genesis, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit and given an inaccurate account of the creation of the universe and the beginning of mankind. The Holy Spirit makes no mistakes. Adam and Eve were literal beings. You also said, that one having the viewpoint of the scriptures being literal is “narrow-minded”. Can I tell you that Jesus Christ is narrow-minded. The very scriptures used in Sundays message clearly states this. Jesus said “Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able.” I say this with the upmost respect for you and the upmost reverence for God Almighty. It is my duty to point out that your message on Sunday morning, and every message like it that is preached every Sunday in churches across the nation, has lead many from the truth of God’s Word. You will have to stand in front of God on the day of Judgment and give account for all the sheep you have led down the broad road that leads to destruction(Mt. 7:13-14). I tell you this in love for you and your sheep. I would like to encourage you to read Jeremiah 7. I would pray that the prophet is not speaking of you in verse 8 “But look, you are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless.” With fear and trembling of Almighty God, I beg you to repent of your ways. Turn from the deceptive doctrines of the devil. Proclaim in the house of The Lord that “unless ye repent, you will all likewise perish”. No more can you tear down the Word of God and teach that evolution is true. It is a lie from the pit of Hell. Stand in the pulpit and proclaim that homosexuality is an abomination in the sight of God, that abortion is murder. Preach the Law of God, which is the schoolmaster that leads us to Christ(Gal. 3:24). I beg you to examine yourself, to be sure that you are in the faith. Did you know that if you have ever told one lie, you will have to stand before God on judgment day as a liar. If you’ve stolen one thing, regardless of the value, you are a thief. Did you know that their will be no liars or thieves in the Kingdom of God? If you’ve ever once looked with lust, you are guilty of committing adultery in your heart(matt 5:28). If you’ve ever hated anyone you’re a murderer(1 John 3:15). Have you ever taken God’s name in vain? You’ve used God’s Holy Name as a curse word. You will have to give an account for every idle word you speak on the day of judgment. Just going through five commandments you have to admit that you are a lying, blasphemous, thief; guilty of murder and adultery in the sight of God. And you have to stand before a Holy God on the Day of Judgment. Will he say innocent or guilty? You know the answer is guilty and that means that you would have to go to Hell to pay for your sins. You’ve studied the cross of Christ for many years I’m sure, but maybe you are just starting to realize the enormity of your sins as they have been exposed by the Law of God. Seminary has never washed anyone clean of their sins. Neither has water baptism, The Lord’s Supper, or any ordinance(or Sacrament) of the church of Jesus Christ. Only the precious blood of Jesus Christ can wash a man free from his sins. So, repent from your sins today. Be honest with God that you have never been born again and that you need Him. Agree with Him about your sin. He hates your sin so much that He killed his own Son to destroy it. So, now it is time for you to partake in his suffering. Call on Him today and ask Him to save you. He will transform you if you ask Him to. I pray that you will humble yourself and do this today. Remember, you are not guaranteed your next breath. It is appointed once for every man to die. After this, the Judgment. Are you ready to stand before The Lord God Almighty?

In Christian love,
Adam Tennant