May 18, 2007

This is my response to a horrible article, written in The Charlotte Observer by Mary Schulken:

Dear Mrs. Caulkins, Mr. Lamm, Mr. Thames and Mr. Williams,

I would like to ask you to make some corrections in an article written by Mary Schulken. You need to specify to your readers that she is not speaking of the God of the Bible. If she studied the Bible, she would
find that she is incorrect in many places in her article. She has broken the first and second commandment by creating a false god in her mind that suits her ideas.

Also, let me say that her attitude toward the death of a man of God is very distasteful. It matters not who just died, you should never rejoice in it. And, without her coming out and saying it, you know she is by the tone of her article. Would you allow this story about Jesse Jackson if he were to pass away? You know you wouldn’t. But, the fact is, the Reverend Jerry Falwell, stood for the Truth. He stood on God’s Word! And, by running this article, you proved to me, that you hate the truth. Paul said it best in Galatians 4:16. “Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?” You know that anyone that preaches the truth is an enemy to your newspaper. If anyone of you has the desire to know the God of the Bible, than get on your knees and repent, now! Ask Jesus to save you and He will.

Let me also say that, by you publishing this article, you stand in contempt of Almighty God. You are mis-representing the God of the Bible. You must repent. Stand on God’s Word!

Thank you for your time. I explained some of Mrs. Schulkens’ mistakes below. I hope you do what God would have you do.

Dear Mrs. Schulken,

You are absolutely right when you imply that Rev. Jerry Falwell stood for things that your god would not. That’s because your god doesn’t exist. He is a figment of your imagination. The “book” you are referring to would be the Word of God. God wrote it. If you understood this, you might understand that your point of view is completely un-biblical. Read Deuteronomy 28. This chapter explains some blessings and curses God promised his people. You might not believe that God would ever bring a curse on anyone. But, they are in the Bible. The revolve around obedience. I hope you take this admonition with love. I really do want to see you realize the Truth. I really want to see you in heaven one day. So examine yourself in light of Scripture.

Before you say that I shouldn’t use Old Testament Scripture to reveal these truths to you, let me explain to you that Paul used them as well. In 2 Timothy 3:16, Paul said that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…”. Just so you know, Paul didn’t have a copy of the Bible. He was referring to the Old Testament. That’s all they had at this time.

You might not believe this, but God will bring the letter you wrote up to you again. You’ll have to give an account of why you wrote it. Do you have an answer? Can you honestly tell me you wrote it for Him? Or,
did you write if for your agenda? Let’s get something straight: God hates abortion, God hates homosexuality, God hates all sin. But, He loves you and is calling you to repent. He even loves homosexuals and abortionists, but hates their sin. He hates your sin. God hates sin so much, He killed His own Son to destroy it. Do you realize what you are doing by writing this stuff? You are spitting in the face of Jesus Christ. Even from a Humanistic viewpoint, you should see that that is wrong. If I saved your loved ones life by pushing them out of the way of a bus, as I was run over; you wouldn’t come and spit in my face would you? Well, that is exactly what anyone is doing when they reject the Gospel.

Let’s allow the Bible to explain the error of your article. You said that God is not vengeful, but merciful. God is definitely merciful. But, God is definitely vengeful, as well. Here are a few Scriptures to back this up. Keep in mind, these are not my words, but God’s. (Genesis 4:15, Isaiah 34:8, Isaiah 35:4 are just a few) I could give you many scriptures on this, but one that is especially strong, in backing this point, would be the entire chapter of Deut. 32. God is a very vengeful God. He is a just God. But He is also a merciful God. His mercy is the only thing that kept me from being destroyed for my sin. His mercy is the only thing that is keeping Him from destroying you. His mercy will keep you until you stand before Him. Then, my friend, it’s too late. Your name will either be in the Lamb’s Book of Life, or it won’t. And if you’ve never seen your sin for what it is, repented from it, and put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ; your name won’t be in it.

Let me also say that Rev. Falwell never condemned homosexuality. God condemned homosexuality from the beginning. His word says that it is detestable. And His word never changes. Leviticus 18:22 says “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is destestable.” He also says that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of heaven(1 Cor. 6:9).

Mrs. Schulken, it is obvious that you really think that God is with you in what you say. But, Mrs. Schulken, He is not with you. In fact, you are His enemy. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. Please repent today.

I beg you to examine yourself, to be sure that you are in the faith. Did you know that if you have ever told one lie, you will have to stand before God on judgment day as a liar. If you’ve stolen one thing, regardless of the value, you are a thief. Did you know that their will be no liars or thieves in the Kingdom of God? If you’ve ever once looked with lust, you are guilty of committing adultery in your heart(Matt 5:28). If you’ve ever hated anyone you’re a murderer(1 John 3:15). Have you ever taken God’s name in vain? You’ve used God’s Holy Name as a curse word. You will have to give an account for every idle word you speak on the day of judgment. Just going through five commandments you have to admit that you are a lying, blasphemous, thief; guilty of murder and adultery in the sight of God. And you have to stand before a Holy God on the Day of Judgment. Will he say innocent or guilty? You know the answer is guilty and that means that you would have to go to Hell to pay for your sins. Maybe you are just starting to realize the enormity of your sins as they have been exposed by the Law of God. Good works have never washed anyone clean of their sins. Neither has water baptism, The Lord’s Supper, or any ordinance(or Sacrament) of the church of Jesus Christ. Only the precious blood of Jesus Christ can wash a person free from his/her sins. So, repent from your sins today. Be honest with God that you have never been born again and that you need Him. Agree with Him about your sin. He hates your sin so much that He killed his own Son to destroy it. So, now it is time for you to partake in his suffering. Call on Him today and ask Him to save you. He will transform you if you ask Him to. I pray that you will humble yourself and do this today. Remember, you are not guaranteed your next breath. It is appointed once for every man to die. After this, the Judgment…

Are you ready to stand before God?

In Christian love,
Adam Tennant


May 17, 2007

Hello beloved,

Here is a biblical perspective on high gas prices.

Gas prices are going up. We are all aware of this. Why are they going up? Well, every explanation you’ll come across will point the finger at the oil industry, the Arabs or, especially, our government. They are probably all guilty of forcing us to pay more at the pump. As Americans, we need to do something about it. I’ve seen an email recently saying that if we all joined together and refuse to buy gas on May 15, it would cause a serious scare in the oil industries; and our prices will drop. That sounds like a great idea. I mean, we really do have a lot of influence if we all join together. When I saw this plan, it made me think, “Is this what God wants us to do?” My answer. “Absolutely not!” Now, don’t feel guilty if you bought into this and forwarded this email. You’ve just gotta see it from God’s perspective. Our government and the oil industry might be causing our gas prices to rise, but they are not the root cause. We are the root cause. You have to understand that God is slowly draining the wealth of America. You might say “What? God would never do that! This is a Christian nation!” Yeah, a Christian nation that slaughters over 1 million unborn children every year. A Christian nation that is turning our children into lust-filled, rebellious, suicidal, God-haters. A Christian nation that totally kicked God and anything to do with God, out of our schools, governments and even most of our churches! A Christian nation under the judgment of Almighty God! That’s right. We are the root cause. We must repent! God Almighty is using our government and the oil industries to slowly drain America’s wealth and fill the pockets of our enemies so they can crush us if we don’t repent. You don’t think so? Where does all that money at the pump go? Muslims. The false religion that has caused countless deaths (physical and spiritual). The false religion that is on a mission to destroy us.

So what, you might ask, does God want from us? Repentance! Not feeling sorry like Saul felt sorry. We need to, like David, say “Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight,”. There were so many times that Saul was confronted with his sin and he wept and mourned his sin.but never repented! Confession without repentance will never lead to forgiveness. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” America will be squeezed dry, until we are finally crushed if we do not repent of our sin. And this is not for a general audience. As Nathan said to David “You are the man!” We are all “the man!” We will all be guilty until this nation stops killing unborn children. So, my point is that, today, we must repent. We must start taking this fight outside of our prayer closets and outside of the church and into the streets. If all we do is mourn about all the murdered baby boys and baby girls, we are no better than Saul.

In Christian love,
Adam Tennant

P.S. Please reach out to the youth of America. It is obvious they searching for answers. The problem is, they are often finding the wrong answers in drugs, sex, cutting themselves and suicide. The only right answer is Jesus Christ; and, as Christians, it is our responsibility to give them this message.

If YOU have never repented of your sins and put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, you must do so TODAY. Go to http://www.needgod.com for more information or email me with any questions.