December 13, 2007

Hello beloved,

“7 The days of punishment are coming, the days of reckoning are at hand. Let Israel know this. Because your sins are so many and your hostility so great, the prophet is considered a fool, the inspired man a maniac. 8 The prophet, along with my God, is the watchman over Ephraim, yet snares await him on all his paths, and hostility in the house of his God.” – Hosea 9:7-8

Beloved, America is now experiencing the remedial judgments of God. Our sins truly are “so many” and our hostilities “so great”. We have completely and utterly turned our backs on God Almighty. We have all turned to our own way. Beloved, we are in rebellion and we must repent.

So many false teachers are just saying exactly what the itching ears of the congregations desire to hear. These men, and women, are largely considered the voice of God. I don’t doubt that most of these wolves in sheep’s clothing truly believe that they do speak for God. Beloved, they are not at all getting their words from the Lord, but from their own wisdom. They have forsaken the truth and now embrace the lies and deception of Satan himself. What is that teaching I am speaking of? It’s all about me, me, me!

Today’s preaching and teaching is so self-centered. It’s all about how to become a better you, how to get that breakthrough, how to make money, etc. I can sum up a lot of this teaching with a quote from a Derek Webb song. He said “I have faith in the bank and money in my heart.” Now let that one sink in a little. The widespread false teaching today has completely forsaken the truth. The truth that we must forsake all else as we follow Christ. They have forsaken the truth and surrendered to their own pride. That, beloved, is backwards!

Aside from false prophets and teachers, when I think of the modern American Christianity, and it’s lukewarmness, I can’t help focusing on the Christian Music Industry. The fact is, that most of the Christian music today is simply not glorifying God. And they definitely don’t stand for truth in the way that they should. I think they should look to Keith Green for inspiration, and not try so hard to sound, and look, just like the world. Much like Keith Green, the artists today are surrounded with opportunities to stand for truth, but unlike Keith Green, they decide to follow their own lusts and stand for their “image”, in which they have worked so hard to build. You see, beloved, they could lose it all if they decided to truly stand for truth. Keith Green knew that, yet he stood like a lion.

And what is this truth? How about that millions are slaughtered through abortion every year…That you cannot embrace homosexuality and still be a Christian…That all other religions will lead straight to hell…Only those who have been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ will enter Heaven. Since we now know the truth, the least we can do for these voiceless children is to be a voice for them. The least we can do is die to ourselves. So, what about the Christian Artist? Should they proclaim this truth? Absolutely! You might say that it is not their calling to stand for the life of the unborn child. Then, I would ask you “Who’s calling is it?”. Is it mine? Yes. Is it yours? Yes. Then, what about them?

Beloved, Christian artists are bought by the blood of the Lamb. But, with that being true, they have sold themselves to the record labels. These record labels direct their courses, when it should not be so. If they are truly doing the will of God, why are the record labels calling shots? Shouldn’t God be calling the shots?

23 Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. 24 But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” – Amos 5:23-24. Beloved, God does not change. He will not except worship that stinks with pride. He won’t even listen to it. God is concerned with justice and righteousness. He wants justice to roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! Oh, beloved, how beautiful are the words of God!

You might ask why I am so adamant about this. Well, just think, beloved. What do you think would happen if all of the Christian artists came together and signed a statement? Something along the lines of doing everything they can to fight against abortion, to wake up the church and show them this sin, to exalt the name of Jesus and to glorify God in all that they do? What do you think would happen? I submit to you, that mountains would begin to move, and, as they let their light so shine before man, many would see their good works and glorify their Father who is in Heaven. When you look at the influence that music has on people, I think you would agree that they could drastically change the look of this nation.

Unfortunately, I don’t see this happening. I see more and more of these bands, trying so hard to be just like the world, so they can draw more fans. Oh, I don’t doubt that they are doing this for what they believe is a good cause. But, all I see is compromise.

So, we’ve talked about the false teachers and false prophets. We’ve talked about the Christian Music Industry, which has turned into an entertainment machine. But, what about the true prophets? The watchmen?

Well, just like the scripture says, they are largely considered fools. The media portrays them as judgmental, raving lunatics, always taking everything to the extreme. And if you think it is only the media that does this, you are severely mistaken. It is the church that dishes out most of this. In the church, true prophets will rarely get pulpit time. And, when they do, they will rarely be invited back. They are slandered in every way imaginable.

Beloved, the true prophet will receive persecution. But, be encouraged, the word of God clearly tells us that this happens. Unfortunately, it will definitely come from the church. When you take the Word of God to the church, they are going to hate you. But, that just is what it is, beloved. Hosea said that the prophet will receive hostility in the house of God. And that is exactly what is happening today.

A man I respect once showed me a great truth. If the church would only come out and see the things that take place on the battle in the streets, they would be totally different. If they saw what we see, they would be different. Beloved, you will serve the kingdom that you see.

So, beloved, be encouraged. All of the persecution will only strengthen us.

In Christian love,
Adam Tennant


December 10, 2007

Hello beloved,

“15 When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood; 16 wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, 17 learn to do right. Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.”   – Isaiah 1:15-17

I would like to explain the title of this article. But, first, let me give you a little history of how I came up with it. I’ve been saved since February 23, 2005. I figured out that God had called me to evangelize, probably a year and a half later. So, I kind of cut out on standing against abortion. Oh, I stood against it with my mouth, but never would I actually intervene, physically. I thought “That is just not my calling. Maybe God has called some to do that(those radicals), but not me. He’s called me to witness.” How wrong I was. While witnessing is important(and I haven’t stopped witnessing, or lost the passion to witness), you can’t do that in place of fighting certain battles, without being outside the will of God. This might be a tough pill to swallow, but it is the truth.

First of all, the Bible is black and white. He has called all of us to “go into all the world” (Mark 16:15) and He has called all of us to “defend the cause of the fatherless…to win it!” (Isaiah 1:17, 1:23, Jeremiah 5:28) I would not have agreed with you had you told me this a couple of years ago. Oh, deep down inside, I knew that it was my responsibility to fight this battle, but I really felt I could justify my lack of concern with the fact that I was witnessing to so many people. Another way to justify this, is to find others that will agree with you(and that is definitely not hard to do). I think I could safely say that around 99 percent of Christians would agree with me if I were to say that only a small percentage are actually called to go outside the walls of the church to fight this battle. I still remember the false comfort I felt when other Christians would tell me that not everyone is called to fight that fight. Most Christians will say that prayer is sufficient. If this is getting personal, I cannot apologize. These babies need your help, beloved. And if you are capable(which I understand that not everyone can physically come out) then it is your responsibility to join the battle lines. We must defend the cause of the fatherless to win it!

So, beloved, I know that many of you are called into certain areas of ministry. But, I must tell you that you cannot neglect the battle against abortion, taking place in the streets of America. You know, deep down, that it is the right thing. You know that it is the will of God. So, what’s stopping you? I’m not saying that you should drop your calling and do this. I am saying that you should do both. You might have to cut some things out(TV, etc.), but you must make the time beloved. You absolutely must!

Could you imagine what would happen if even three percent of the churches in Charlotte would join the fight? What if even two percent? I tell you what, beloved. Abortion will end, in America, only when the Church of Jesus Christ decides that they want to end it. Only after the church repents. Do you agree that what I am saying is true? I think you do. And, if what I am telling you is true, we have a lot to change about the way we look at things.

Or…we could just brush it off. Yeah…we could brush it off…or we could rise up and become the army that God Almighty has called us to be! We could stand for the unborn and fight the battle at the very gates of hell(at the abortion mill closest to you)!

Or…then again…we could just continue brush it off…

Please help, beloved.

In Christian love,
Adam Tennant