September 2, 2010

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Last weekend, something huge took place in Washington D.C.  Of course, I am referring to the “Restoring Honor” rally that Glenn Beck organized.  As Christians, it is extremely important that we evaluate what took place and examine the Scriptures to see what our stance should be.  We will do that in this article.

Before we get to the rally, let’s briefly go over some of what Glenn has been up to recently.  I have heard, from several Christians, that Glenn has had a “spiritual enlightenment.”  Well, I don’t doubt that, but we need to discern which spirit is enlightening him.  Let’s go back a couple of weeks to see if we can figure that out.

If you watched his show on August 19th, you might have thought it was kind of strange when Glenn started talking about the Native Americans and some Hebrew inscription on the Bat Creek Stone.  If you do your research, you will find that the Mormon Church teaches that Native Americans are descendants of the lost tribe of Israel.  There is a lot more to it, but all you need to know is that this is a false teaching of the Mormon Church that Glenn was promoting.  Does that give you any clue as to what spirit might be enlightening him?

The dangerous part about this is not that he is pushing his Mormon beliefs on his audience.  The dangerous part is that he is mingling it with names like William Penn and George Washington.  Keep in mind, Glenn has had David Barton on his show numerous times, teaching true history.  So, now his audience is set up to believe the history that Glenn is teaching is true history.  Very dangerous.

So, on August 28, 2010, Glen united half a million people of all faiths to his “Restoring Honor” rally, for the purpose of turning their hearts to “one god.”  This is a good thing, right?  David Barton is calling it a sign of revival.  Shouldn’t we rejoice with Beck and lock arms with him and fight for this great nation?

Well, I think the first question that any Christian should ask about this event would be, “Glenn, what god are we talking about, here?”  After all, he is not vague about the fact that he is a Mormon.  Is it the Mormon god that we are coming to pray to?

When Glenn was promoting this event he boasted that he would have leaders from many faiths speaking, and went on to say, “This weekend is a God event, not a Christian event.”  Hey church, is that enough for you to raise some red flags?  Again, “Glen, what god are we talking about, here?”

I wish I could give everything to you in this one article, but I want to make sure this is an easy read.  So, let’s get to the point.  As a Christian, what should your stand be?  Should you unite with Glenn, for the sake of the flag? or should you loudly proclaim that what is taking place is an abomination?  I know that’s a harsh word, but I also know how God views idolatry.  Oh, and idolatry is exactly what took place on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th.  Isn’t that what God calls it when we worship or pray to false gods?  Yes, it is.  God hates idolatry.  But, let’s not go by my word.  Let’s see what God’s Word has to say about this.

You might say, “Well, isn’t it a good thing that everyone is so interested in spiritual things?  Isn’t it a good thing that Glenn is turning the nation back to our founders?  Isn’t it a good thing to come together and pray?  Hey, David Barton is even calling this a revival.  If anyone knows revival, surely he does.”

Read Isaiah 1:10-15.  After dealing with the sin of the nation of Judah, Isaiah busted them.  Instead of dealing with their sin, they were offering sacrifices and lifting their hands in prayer.  God hates that.  Verse fifteen says, “When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen.  Your hands are full of blood.”

Question.  Are our hands not full of blood?  Since Roe V. Wade over fifty million children have been slaughtered.  I wasn’t at the event.  But I did hear that Dr. Alveda King referred to abortion in her speech.  That’s great.  But is this a revival because abortion was mentioned?  Hmmm…in a revival are sins “referred to” or “repented of?”  If you are going to convince me that this was a revival, you will at least need to show me that the “Christians” there were on their face, crying out to God to forgive them for their guilt(apathy) in the shedding of innocent blood.

I do know one thing.  Of all the accounts I have heard, I have never heard the word “repentance” once.  And yet we want to call this a spiritual revival.  Even if sin and repentance were mentioned, what god would they turn to for forgiveness?

If that’s not enough, why don’t you read Ezekiel chapters eight and nine to see what God thinks of prostrating his Truth with the lies of false religions.

Here’s my point in all of this.  Is Glenn Beck a Mormon?  Yes.  But, should that be our main concern?  No.  Our main concern should be the fact that we had several prominent Christian leaders stand with him, offering legitimacy to all that Glenn believes.  Not only that, but they also offered legitimacy to all of the other religions represented at this event.

Whether you saw it or not, what took place on August 28th was huge.  The truth of Christianity was knocked even lower in order to advance the god of conservatism.

In closing, I want to light a fire in all of you to get out and speak the truth about these things.  Do your research and talk to everyone you know; warning them of Glenn Beck.  Trust me, I would be very careful putting your trust in anything he teaches.  And that includes what he might try to tell you about true American history.  Just be careful.  You can trust Barton on American history.  But Glenn is showing us that he is very confused.  So don’t trust his teachings.  Not until he openly repents of his Mormon beliefs.

For more information on all of this, I highly recommend that you go to  Brannon Howse has done extensive research on what Glenn has been up to.  I encourage you to read his articles and listen to his archives.  Brannon is hitting the nail right square on the head.  I would also encourage you to pray for Brannon.  He was the first to really come out and take a stand on what Glenn has been doing and he is under tremendous fire.

There is so much more to all of this, so please do some research and see if what I have said is true.  The last thing I am out to do is blast you if you have been in support of Beck.  The deception has been well-cloaked.  But now that you know, you can repent.  And, praise God, repentance changes everything!

For His Glory,

Adam Tennant