This morning, I read Jim Garlow’s article, giving his reasons as to why it was acceptable to stand with Glenn Beck.  Here’s my response.

Let me first state that I am not out to “de-Christianize” Jim Garlow.  He is a godly man.  I have learned much from him, and I highly respect him.  However, I believe that he is wrong on this issue.

On making alliances, he said that he got a statement from the LDS officials saying that they would not talk about Mormon theology.  Glenn Beck has twice, that I know of, given a false account of American history in order to spread his Mormon theology.  Therefore, holding to the premise Garlow created here, I don’t think his comparison is valid.

I think another major difference is that this gathering on the 28th was promoted as a spiritual thing, not a political thing.  That is clearly different than uniting together for Prop. 8.  Personally, I don’t think it’s right to lock arms with him politically either, though.  Not if you research the theology of Mormonism.

I would even go as far as to say that God would never have us make any sort of alliance with non-believers.  We are not to be unequally yoked (2 Cor. 6:14).  Dr. Garlow stated that “In the Old Testament, there were times that Israel forged alliances out of desperation because they did not trust God.  That distrust is sin.  In addition, Israel compromised herself in those alliances, becoming like those with whom she joined.  However, there were other scenarios in which God used cultures outside Israel for his purposes.  Those alliances seemed to have the approval of God.” I completely agree with him that Israel sinned when they forged alliances out of desperation rather than trusting in God.  God hates that.  All you have to do, to figure that out is read the Bible.  God wants us to trust in Him alone.

However, when Garlow goes on o say that there were some alliances that seemed to have the approval of God, I would have to disagree.  I would like to challenge him to give me an example of this.  I would like to challenge anyone to give me an example of this.  I sure haven’t found any.

Dr. Garlow seems to be saying that he believes Beck is a Christian based on him using some terms like atonement.  “Few people use the term atonement.”  Really?  Well Mormons use that term quite a bit.  However, it carries an entirely different meaning.

In order to imply that Beck might be a Christian, Garlow uses the fact that Glenn laid out the Gospel on his show.  This is true.  But he also had to check with Richard Land to make sure he got it right.  If he, himself, had received this particular presentation as truth, should he not have clearly said that this is what saved him?  I would if I was in his shoes.  And I don’t know of any Christian that wouldn’t.  The problem with this, in my opinion, is that this seems to gain him credibility with Christians.  It blurs the line between Mormonism and Christianity.  It seems to have worked, unfortunately.

Garlow quoted someone saying that “there is no ambiguity about Glenn’s faith.”  Really?  Than how do you explain the things he has been teaching about Mormonism recently?  How do you explain the fact that on Chris Wallace’s Fox News show, on Monday morning (it was recorded on Saturday 8/28 and aired Monday 8/30), he said, “and look, I’m a Mormon, and most Christians don’t recognize me as a Christian… You’re right Jim, there is no ambiguity.  Glenn Beck is clearly a Mormon.

Here is a link to this particular interview, so you can hear what he said in context:

Garlow then goes on to dismiss the fact that Glenn was pushing Mormonism when talking about the Bat Creek Stone.  He said he has talked to people “in the know.”  Really?  How about doing some historical research?  Talk to Ed Decker.  If anyone is “in the know,” he is.  He used to be a Mormon and teach Mormon theology.  He has come out to say that Glenn is clearly pushing LDS teachings.  Better yet, just research the Bat Creek Stone yourself.  It’s easy to see that he was pushing Mormon teachings.

And, not only did he teach this on August 19th, but he also started his rally by mentioning that the Native Americans and Pilgrims were God’s chosen people.  This is part of that false Mormon teaching.

Now, on to Garlow stating that none of our theology is 100% accurate.  I don’t disagree with him on that statement alone.  However, there are certain core doctrines of Christianity that we cannot “agree to disagree” on.  The Jesus of the Bible is one of them.  Jesus is not the brother of Lucifer, as Mormons say.  Remember, the Jesus of the cults is not the Jesus of the Bible.  That is a piece of our theology that must be correct.  We cannot agree to disagree with cultists.  Period.

What happened at the Restoring Honor rally was very dangerous.  The fruit of it has only showed me that my presuppositions were accurate.  I keep hearing Christians say that they don’t care whether Glenn is a Mormon or not.  He is leading us back to our founders.  I have a question for you.  Is it more important that we turn back to our founders and their documents, than it is to rightly represent the God of the Bible?  Glenn Beck says that our founding documents are equal to Scripture.  Mormon theology teaches that our Founders were spirit babies, sent by the Mormon God to write these documents.  Did you know that?  Look, we cannot lock arms with Glenn Beck.

I wish Jim Garlow, James Robison and David Barton would stop trying to defend themselves and examine what is really going on.  I really do love these guys, but they are in error.  I heard Erwin Lutzer say that anyone who takes part in this rally is taking part in heresy.  I have to agree.  Now, that does not make them heretics.  That does not make them nonbelievers.  But I believe that they are in error.

Unfortunately, by the time the church sees the bad fruit from all of this, it will be too late.  Too many will have fallen too far into the deception.  But that’s what all this is.  Deception.  It’s just part of the powerful delusion that 2 Thessalonians 2:11 is talking about.

Church, it’s time that we get back to Scripture.  We need to turn back to God.  Not the god of Mormonism, or the god of Islam, or the god in the tree.  No, we need to turn back to the Holy One of Israel, the God of the Bible.

We need not judge our leaders by their political fruit, but by their doctrinal fruit.  In these last days, we need to be very careful of who we stand with.  I will end with Matthew 7:15-20:

“Watch out for false prophets.  They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.  By their fruit you will recognize them.  Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?  Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”

I am not saying that Garlow, Robison and Barton are false prophets.  But, I am definitely saying that I believe Glenn Beck to be one.  We ought not to judge him only by his political fruit.  We need to judge him by what he believes.

For His Glory,

Adam Tennant

Here is a link to Jim Garlow’s article:


  1. Lance says:

    Right on. Satan knows how vulnerable we are. In times of crisis he will use a Glenn Beck to lead Gods sheep astray.

  2. I am watching this closly because I too have felt a check in my spirit re Glenn Beck. I believe he is sincere but his fundamental religious beliefs are tainting his political beliefs. I have watched him for some time and agree he is right on about much but is off on his fundamental beliefs and that can lead to deceptions. I have a good Christian friend who believes that anyone who names the name of Jesus is saved. I believe belief has to be a Holy Spirit inspired HEART belief based on His Word. JD

  3. stan schmunk says:

    You are exactly right. San Diego now has two of its Christian “leaders” committing this terrible evil. Mr. Garlow is also heading one of the philandering Newt Gingrich’s organizations. This is all nearly unforgivable.

  4. […] who stood on stage, or somehow  promoted Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally.  (Here is another article I wrote which answers the argument of many evangelicals as to why it’s okay to lock arms with […]

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